Live from LPR

What’s top of mind and on our radar? Our team shares the inside scoop.

Big Reputation: Why Taylor Swift is the PR Mastermind of Today

by Polly Hersey LPR is home to many Swifties, and it’s not just because of her immaculate songwriting. Taylor Swift has established herself as a certified PR Mastermind. Swift has been everywhere since Spring of 2023. TIME Magazine named her “Person of the Year,” her much anticipated Eras tour became the highest grossing tour of […]

Welcome to Live from LPR!

From the perfect client pitch angle to the book club pick we can’t put down – here at LPR we simply love a good story. And now we have a spot to tell some of our own!  Live from LPR gives everyone at the agency a chance to share their wisdom, humor, interests, and perspectives. […]