Navigating the PR Wilderness: A Personal Expedition as a College Trailblazer 

by Emilia Lorenzet

As a junior in college about to step into the captivating world of Public Relations (PR), I can feel the excitement and uncertainty swirling around me like a dense jungle mist. My passion for creativity, relationship building, and storytelling drew me into the industry. Since the discovery, I haven’t looked back. This isn’t just a career path; it’s a personal expedition, a journey through uncharted territories. Join me as we navigate the twists, turns, and triumphs of the PR industry together. 

Immerse Yourself in the Wild:
Imagine yourself diving headfirst into the dynamic ecosystem of PR. For me, this means losing myself in industry blogs, hanging on to the insights of PR influencers on social media, and staying eagerly updated on the latest trends. As an avid pop-culture enthusiast, I enjoy keeping up with entertainment and celebrity news. Whether it’s reading the latest scoop from the Oscars or watching Alix Earle’s new GRWM I’m always staying up-to-date. This immersion isn’t just about learning; it’s about forging a connection with the heartbeat of PR. 

Craft Your Personal Brand: 
I’m in the process of carving out my unique identity. My resume is a canvas, my LinkedIn profile a gallery. I want my personal brand to be a vivid reflection of my skills, experiences, and the unique flavor I bring to the PR landscape. To maximize exposure, I try to stay active on LinkedIn by updating my experience, skills, post, and repost relevant content. Making your own personal brand stand out is the best way to engage with potential companies, employers, and mentors you want to work with.  

Master the Art of Adaptation: 
In the PR jungle, adaptability is my survival skill. I’ve come to appreciate the rapid changes and evolving trends. Staying nimble and open to learning new skills isn’t just a necessity; it’s the very essence of thriving in this dynamic environment. 

Seek Out Internship Opportunities: 
Internships are my watering holes, where practical experience flows freely. I’m actively seeking opportunities to intern with PR agencies, companies, or organizations. These experiences aren’t just résumé boosters; they are the hands-on lessons that will shape me into a seasoned navigator of the PR savannah. One of the skills that I’ve been able to hone here at LPR is attention to detail. Whether its strategically curating and planning a pitch angle or monitoring for client mentions, this skill is crucial in successfully earning placements for a client. I am grateful to have this opportunity to work alongside experts in the industry that have assisted me in strengthening this skill.  

Embrace the Adventure: 
I’m reminding myself that the PR journey is my adventure. Challenges are opportunities, victories are celebrations, and every twist and turn is a lesson waiting to be learned. My college years are not just a prelude; they are the training ground for the wild world of PR. I’m ready to grow, evolve, and emerge as a seasoned navigator of the industry jungle. 

Strapping on my metaphorical backpack, I’m prepared for this personal expedition into the PR wilderness. The path may be winding, but the experiences are uniquely mine. I invite my fellow college students to embrace the thrill of the unknown, equip themselves with knowledge, and step into the PR industry with the confidence that every step forward is an integral part of an unforgettable expedition. Happy navigating!